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Cornell University


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What is Covered by FERPA  The following table is a guide to the categories of information FERPA covers. Remember that this is about preventing harm to a student if the information is disclosed outside of legitimate use or stolen by someone with malicious intent. The risk depends on the…
FERPA Defined The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a 1974 federal law protecting the privacy of student educational records.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a 1974 federal law protecting the privacy of student educational records. FERPA safeguards student privacy by limiting who may access student records, specifying for what purpose they may access those records, and detailing what rules…
As a result of pricing changes from vendors who supply Cornell with cloud document and file storage services, Cornell added storage quotas to Microsoft SharePoint sites in 2024. The maximum storage quota for SharePoint is 50 GB. Check Your Current Storage Starting in February 2024, most Microsoft…
As a result of pricing changes from vendors who supply Cornell with cloud document and file storage services, Cornell added storage quotas to Microsoft Teams accounts in 2024. The maximum storage quota for a Teams group is 50 GB. Check Your Current Storage Starting in February 2024, most…
Do not set up Secure Connect on a device that you share with others -- for example, a family computer or tablet.
General Guidelines Online file services are not approved for high-risk data  
Collaborating Within the Cornell Community At Cornell, there are two instances of Teams. One includes Ithaca and Cornell Tech, and the other includes Weill Cornell Medicine (WCM) and Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar. When working with people in the same instance as you, you have a choice of using a…
You can now get to your Cornell Microsoft online files more quickly at This new shortcut takes you directly to Microsoft Home, which provides ready access to documents you've saved online or that have been shared to you through Teams or other Microsoft services. It…
“Whaling” is a sophisticated form of phishing that targets an organization's top leaders. It uses clever social engineering and generative artificial intelligence to look like it’s from people you know and trust -- the president, provost, vice provosts, vice presidents, or deans. Cornell's leaders…
If you'd like to broaden your use of Microsoft Teams beyond Cornell, individuals who are outside the university can be added as external guests to a team. Doing so lets you to coordinate, communicate, and plan with colleagues at other universities, vendors, contractors, and other outside…
On November 13, 2023, Go-Live will occur for Industrial Hygiene, the final stage of the five-year project to implement Cority at Cornell. Go-Live for Industrial Hygiene will be followed by a final transition and closeout period, expected to complete by the end of calendar year 2023.  Thanks…
I have my old device In this situation, you have your old device as well as your new device.
If you are getting a new computer, use the instructions at Change Devices Using Secure Connect instead.
Before you begin, make sure that your new device has Beyond Identity already installed – this will save you some time. (See Step 1 on this page if you’re unsure.)
If you collaborate on documents stored in Cornell Google services like Google Drive, check to make sure that nothing you need was shared by someone who has left the university.
If you are looking for information about what to do if your Google Workspace account was deactivated in November, but you still need to download data, please see the Google Account Deactivation page.
The Microsoft 365 Home page was recently updated to make it faster and easier to find the files you and your collaborators are working with. It has a Recommended section that lets you know about activity you may want to be aware of. It includes files you've recently shared, files that…
Approvals is a native Teams application that lets you create, manage, and share approval requests and sign-offs. You can quickly start an approval flow from the same place you send a chat or have a channel conversation, or from the approvals app itself. A feature has been added that lets you…
If you need to replace the device you use with Secure Connect, contact your local IT Support Group. You must have access to both devices in order to add Secure Connect to your new hardware.

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information use and third parties, visit University Privacy.