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Cornell University


University policy applies if you want to send a message to ALL members of one or more of the following groups:

  • Alumni
  • Students
  • Faculty
  • Staff

For a mailing to one or more of these groups, use our Send Email to a Pre-Defined Group article.

If you need to send a message to some other large group (not all students, all staff, etc.), do not send it as you would a regular email (that is, from your email address, with all recipients listed under To, CC, or BCC).

  • You'd have to enter ALL those email addresses into your mail client.
  • You'd cause a sudden (and potentially disruptive) spike in network traffic.
  • You might run afoul of university policy. (See University Policy 5.2, Mass Electronic Mailing.)

Instead, send your message from an announcement e-list, as described in our Send Email to a List of Addresses article.

Support Contact:

Cornell IT Service Desk

Normal Business Hours: Monday-Friday, 8am-6pm (Eastern Time)
Emergency Service Disruptions: After Hours Support


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