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Cornell University

Alumni Google Account Locked or Deleted

At the end of May 2024, alumni could no longer access Google Workspace accounts if they exceeded 200gb of storage. 

On This Page

Notifications About This Process

As part of the Strategic Storage Initiative, direct communications were sent to all alumni in September 2022, then again in April, July, September, October 2023, and finally to all accounts with an excess of 200gb of storage on April 2024. You can read more on the Alumni Affairs web site.

How to Retrieve Your Files

To temporarily regain access to your Cornell Google account, complete this form. You will have a7-day grace period to reduce your storage below 200GB.

In most cases, you should be able to access your account again within an hour. Due to a higher-than-usual number of requests, this may take a little longer.

Before you request a grace period, plan how you will move your data.

Regain Access to Your Email

Until your storage drops below 200GB, you will not be able to access email through Google Workspace. Once your Google Workspace account is below 200GB of storage, there will be a period of six or more hours while the change is processed. After this has completed, you will regain access to your Cornell email.

Due to timing and system updates you may experience a 24- to 48-hour delay before you will be able to use your Cornell email again.

Problems With Transferring Files

The information at Move Your Personal Data offers several suggestions for efficiently moving your files, including the recommended VaultMe service. If you have utilized those services, but still encounter problems, you can contact the service desk. For more efficient service, please convey the steps that you've taken and the specific problems you encountered.

More Information

Never miss a Cornell email -- set your email forwarding

Find out why Cornell is no longer able to offer unlimited storage.


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