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Cornell University

Qualtrics Survey Error: You Do Not Have Permission to Collaborate Outside of Your Organization

This article applies to: Qualtrics (Survey Tool)

When trying to add a collaborator to a survey, if you save the collaboration settings, you may get an error: "You do not have permission to collaborate outside of your organization."

There are two situations where you might see this error:

Cornell Addresses

One possibility: Never signed into Cornell Qualtrics, no active account yet

If the person you are trying to share with is at Cornell, this situation can occur when they have not yet created their Cornell Qualtrics account by signing into the service for the first time. See Create a Qualtrics Account for details.

If you've tried to share a project with someone at Cornell who hasn't created a Qualtrics account yet, you need to remove the unsuccessful share and try sharing to them again after they've created the account. 

Another possibility: Valid Cornell Qualtrics account, but something went wrong with the share

If the person does have a Cornell Qualtrics account, it's possible they were added as a collaborator in a way that didn't allow Qualtrics to associate the invitation with the correct account. (This can happen if a person's Cornell email address is typed into the entry field, then Add is clicked).

Try sharing with them again by typing their information into the field, selecting their entry from the list of results, then clicking Add.

  1. When on your Projects page, click ... (Project Options) for the project you want to share and select Collaborate. (If Collaborate is grayed out, it means you are not the owner of the survey and so can't add collaborators.)
  2. In the text entry box, type part of the person's name or NetID. After a brief pause, you should see a list of people who match what you have typed.
  3. Click on the desired person's entry in that list. Their name AND email address will appear in the box.
  4. Click Add, then Save.

  5. (optional) Edit the message they'll receive explaining their access to this survey.
  6. Click OK.  

Non-Cornell Addresses

Cornell's Qualtrics accounts, by default, do not allow collaboration with non-Cornell email addresses. If you are faculty or staff and have a need to collaborate with someone off-campus, contact CIT using the Qualtrics support form and your account can be modified to allow non-Cornell collaborators.


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