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IT Security Videos

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Essentials to Avoid Online Scams

Any email can have dangerous links or attachments (Word, PDFs, pictures, etc.), even if it’s from someone you know. It’s not easy to slow down and check everything, but with a few good habits, you can keep Cornell data and your identity much safer.

Traveling Internationally with Technology

When traveling internationally, years of hard work, your identity, and other Cornell data (including identities of people you work with) are put at risk. Good news! You can take steps to protect data. Contact Tech support as soon as you make plans.

Data Hygiene: Why You Don’t Want Confidential and Sensitive Data on Your Computer

Your computer is the most unsafe place to store confidential information, because computers allow you to install and run new software. In this video, learn the many ways viruses put data on your computers and other devices.

Data Hygiene: Intro To Storing and Sharing Confidential and Sensitive Data

The vast majority of computer breaches are the result of poor personal choices, weak computer practices and less-than satisfactory data handling procedures.Everyone has the responsibility to protect Cornell data on any computer used for Cornell work.

Data Hygiene: How Confidential and Sensitive Data Gets onto Your Computer

Following security guidelines and good business practices is part of doing your job. In this video, learn the three primary ways confidential and sensitive data gets onto your computer.

Data Hygiene: Options for Sharing and Collaborating with Confidential Data

In this video, learn which Cornell services are approved for confidential and sensitive data.

Data Hygiene: How to Discover and Remove Confidential and Sensitive Data

The only way to be sure your computer is free of confidential data is to search for it and destroy it. At Cornell, we use Identity Finder to do this.

Email Phishing 101

Even with sophisticated spam filters in place, everyone at Cornell is continually bombarded with email phishing attempts trying to trick us into giving away our NetID password or downloading malicious software.

Copyright Risks of Peer-To-Peer File Sharing on Cornell Networks

Help students understand the risks of violating copyright law by using peer-to-peer file sharing programs to distribute music, movies, games, or software.

Secure Websites

These days websites make security a priority, but it is hard to know when a website is secure, or what makes it so. This video teaches the basics of website security and how to recognize a secure site.

Computer Viruses and Threats

This video explains computer viruses by comparing them to human viruses and focuses on the role of prevention in being protected.

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)

This video explains the business use of Virtual Private Networks, or VPNs. It tells the story of Candice who discovers her new employer’s VPN means she can securely connect to the company network over the Internet.

Protecting Reputations Online

This video discusses the long-term risks of sharing inappropriate information on the Web. It encourages viewers to “think before you click” and offers tips for being responsible with photos, video and stories.

Email Access

Email has evolved over the years. It used to live on our computers, but it now lives on servers and this evolution has changed how we think about email. This video highlights what these changes mean for the average email user.

Online Citizenship

Sometimes communicating via computers can feel anonymous and make people lose touch with the impact of what they say online. This video highlights the problems this causes and explains a basic idea: that our words matter, online and off.

Secure Passwords

Learn about the risks of having weak passwords, creating passwords that can't be guessed, and protecting passwords from criminals and wandering eyes.

Phishing Scams

This video is designed to increase awareness of phishing scams and help viewers recognize and avoid phishing emails when they see them. Examples are provided.

Website Evaluation

This video walks through the basics of evaluating a website to find quality information. It encourages viewers to evaluate websites in the way an editor would review an article.

Website Cookies

Learn how and why cookies are saved to your computer when you visit a website, the role cookies play in helping websites remember you, the two basic types (session and persistent cookies), and more.


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