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Cornell University

Determine Who is Filling Up My Share

This article applies to: Shared File Services

The monitoring and management of data on shares is the responsibility of the Administrative Contacts for the share, and not a responsibility of Shared File Services (SFS) staff. SFS can provide you with audit reports to assist in your troubleshooting. Select Audit Report Request from this page.

The following guidelines may be of assistance. The normal tools and procedures used for disk capacity management for either CIFS or NFS should apply to SFS shares as well as any other form of disk storage.

SFS snapshots create a unique condition in disk capacity management. Deleted files are removed from the visible File System, but they remain in the snapshots. As the snapshots expire (age-out) the files are truly deleted, releasing the consumed disk space.

Why does this matter? A worst-case condition would be to fill a snapshot-enabled SFS share to 100%, and then delete 100% of the files. The File System would remain 100% full because the deleted files would still exist in the snapshots (until the snapshots expire). Under normal usage SFS shares should not experience this condition, however, during testing or initial-migration of data onto SFS it is possible. If this condition is experienced contact the SFS staff for prompt assistance.

  • Many applications for CIFS are not snapshot-aware, and do not report on disk capacity utilized by snapshots.
  • NFS snapshots may be individually examined via “du –s –k .snapshot” in any sub-directory of a NFS share hosted by SFS.


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