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Cornell University

Why Can't I Use KProxy with Two-Step Login?

Two-Step Login is not compatible with KProxy.  Instructions to use WebDAV instead.

This article applies to: Static Web Hosting , Two-Step Login

On This Page

Two-Step Login is not compatible with KProxy.  KProxy is most commonly used to streamline the login process when transferring files over WebDAV.

You will need to use a different process for WebDAV logins, as briefly described in the DAV Portal section on the webpage KProxy and DAV Portal (Confluence).

Other services using KProxy, like some instances of Git, will also have to switch to a more manual process once two-factor authentication is introduced.

How To Use WebDAV To Get To Your Server Without KProxy

  1. Obtain a WebDAV key from your server.  Login using your NetID/Password at the following URL, and copy the entire long string the page displays: Replace the XXX with the number of your server.
  2. Your WebDAV connection URL that you will paste into your WebDAV client is:
    1. Replace the XXX with the number of your server, 
    2. Then replace the “name-of-your-instance” in the link above with the real name
    3. Use your NetID as a username, and the WebDAV key you obtained from step 1 as your password.  This key will be valid for eight hours.  After that, you will have to generate a new key and re-login.

      You can alter the “name-of-your-instance" portion of the URL to access other instances on your server.

How To Access Your Static Instance

  1. Obtain a DAV login key from this server: This key will work for all instances you have in the static webhosting service, but again, only for eight hours.
  2. Your static instance's WebDAV access url is: You can alter the “name-of-your-instance" portion of the URL to access other instances.

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