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Cornell University

Qualtrics Survey Login Error: "User account is disabled."

This article applies to: Qualtrics (Survey Tool)

If you try to sign into a Cornell Qualtrics account and see the message "User account is disabled. A report is generated with error tag," you can request that CIT re-enable the account using the Qualtrics support form.

For security purposes, Cornell Qualtrics accounts are automatically inactivated if the account owner has not signed in for more than a year.

The account and all its contents still exists and will be available to you once it is re-enabled. If you have shared surveys to collaborator, they have continued to be able to access and work with them.

Once your account is re-enabled, you will be notified and asked to sign into the account soon. Qualtrics runs their inactivation process once a day, typically nightly. If you don't sign in before the next time Qualtrics runs the process, your account will return to a disabled state.

You can suggest timing that will be convenient for you to meet the sign-in requirement. 


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