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Cornell University

Changes to Policy 5.10 Information Security

This article applies to: Security & Policy

On This Page

There are important updates to Policy 5.10 Information Security, that better align with our current technology and security environment. ​For more information, please read the revised policy.

Data Classification Changes​

Data classifications names have changed from: 

  • Confidential changed to High-Risk​

  • Restricted changed to Moderate-Risk​

  • Public changed to Low-Risk​

Baseline Security Requirements​

There are new Baseline Security Requirements for​:

  • Data Hygiene​

  • Encryption​

  • Authentication and Authorization​

The policy also includes updated Network security requirements​.

Updated Security Procedures​

There are Updated Security Procedures for:

  • Endpoints​

  • Mobile Devices​

  • Servers​

  • Applications​

  • Paper documents​


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