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Cornell University

Store Confidential Data

This article applies to: Security & Policy

Whenever possible, we recommend not storing confidential data on your computer. If you have a need to store confidential information on your computer temporarily, consult with your technical support team. You must:

  1. Encrypt the computer.
  2. Escrow your computer password.

Before using any IT tool to send, store or share institutional information, review Guidelines for Using Campus IT Services with Regulated Data.

*Note about international travel: Some countries, like China, don't allow encrypted data when you travel. Make sure to check guidelines before traveling. If there are data and encryption restrictions, it's best to not have it stored on your computer while you're traveling. See Travel Guidelines.

Confidential and sensitive data should only live in Cornell-approved and provided systems

  • It should never be copied to any other location. If you aren’t sure where a particular type of data can be stored safely, refer to the Regulated Data Chart or ask your technical support team.
  • It should never be shared with anyone who is not authorized to use it.
  • It should never be shared via email or any other method where you can’t verify the person for whom it’s intended is the person securely receiving it.
  • Computers, file servers, and Cornell Box do not provide appropriate protections for confidential data.


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